Fundraising Update

Following my return to the UK this year in April I have worked to re-engage with my ABCDreams (UK) network to set up various fund-raising activities. First on the list came Roxwell School Fayre – a special event for the first time this year, falling as it did in the same week that the Tour de France passed through the village. A lively and productive week while maintaining my links with Roxwell School which I hope we can develop further next year with another exchange of art works.

Having missed Wimbledon Village Fair this year (see Week Nine post) I was happy to find that my rotary club, Morden Rotary had proposed a Morden Fun Day this year and that I was offered a pitch courtesy of the club. This proved to be a very happy, family event to which most of my rotary colleagues and I contributed time and effort to set up. The day was extremely well-attended and considered a very successful venture, to be repeated next year.


Coffee Morning

A third opportunity presented itself shortly after the Fun Day when I offered to do a presentation and coffee morning under the guidance and hospitality of my son-in-law’s parents in Farnham. This is the first time I’d proposed such an event but for the charity it proved very successful. I always feel at all of these occasions the most important aspect is the opportunity to network. I made many friends and connections, especially at the coffee morning which I hope will blossom in the months to come. My warm thanks  go to our generous hosts, Mike and Janet Gibson.

Through my efforts and those of my rotary colleagues and network of friends I have this year more than doubled to contributions I will be able to deliver to the community children in Lyamungo Sinde. Needless to say this makes me very happy and I’m certain also those children and their families who will benefit.



At Rotary Club of Newmarket Ontario

Meanwhile, I had an opportunity to connect with a new network yesterday. I found myself privileged to present at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Newmarket, Ontario with whom I spoke of the aims and objectives of ABCDreams (UK). I was very happy to oblige and to meet such an enthusiastic audience. I spoke of our connections and original inspiration with ABCDreams-Canada. I had a warm and friendly reception with vigorous questioning afterwards – always a stimulating and thought-provoking experience. More soon, when I return to Tanzania next month. Thank you.

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