ABCD UK WaSH Project Update 2023

Going back to the Spring of 2021 I reported:

When I arrived in Tanzania on January 4th, 2021 I found the WaSH project ongoing and operating on time. The effluent pit was complete, the two toilet block structures were built to lintel level and plans were afoot for new doors and final plumbing fixtures in the girls’ toilet block.

Last year, 2022, on arrival a bit later in January, we were able to finish the girls’ block, including a furnace for disposing of used sanitary materials.

Now, for 2023, arriving in early January again, we propose to fully complete this project. We established this project as a collab between two rotary clubs in two UK districts and the Rotary Club of Moshi, District 9214, in their oversight of the project.

Thus, as of last year, both the washstand and the girls’ toilet block were finished. The boys’ block (in the background of the first picture) exists physically but is not yet plumbed or secured. That will be this year’s work.

We plan to start on the boys’ block in early February and estimate finishing by early March. Wish us well!

More soon plus a report on completion.