On June 22nd I had the good luck to take over a pitch at the Wimbledon Village Fair. Here I set up my stall, generously supported by the Morden Rotary Club to generate interest and perhaps to make some sales on behalf of the children of Lyamungo Sinde. It was quite a prestigious event and I felt honoured to be there.
It turned out to be what seems now to be a typical June day here in the UK – cold and windy! Still there were large crowds trying but not always succeeding to ignore the weather. The visitors showed a lot of interest in what I am trying to do. Many news sheets were doled out and many questions answered. I feel that my networking has at last got off the ground!
To generate interest at the fair I had put together a good product and had in place all the marketing I could muster. I feel that the event was a success from that point of view. I was very happy with the outcome although my sales were not as high as I would have liked. It’s a good thing that the sales were not as critical to me as the networking! Because of the weather I’m tempted to say never again but the challenge is there and I never bow before a challenge!
My current challenge is to consolidate the school links between Roxwell Primary and L.S. primary (see last post). I look forward to a productive exchange, especially with communication between the children at each school.