Week twelve – back in Tanzania

Just before leaving for my return to Tanzania I met again briefly with the head of Roxwell C. of E. Primary School. Earlier we discussed the possibility of an exchange between Roxwell and Lyamungo Sinde Primary School here in Tanzania. We discussed the possibility of establishing a communication pathway between the children of each school. We also discussed the possibility of a fund-raising event that could be held at Roxwell to raise funds for a project in Lyamungo Sinde, such as renewal of the school toilets or for populating the library.

In our recent discussion we talked of themes for our exchange programme. I had earlier brought pictures drawn by the pupils in Tanzania, talking of them and displaying them in a school assembly. I also taught some Swahili during that assembly! The pictures from the pupils of Lyamungo Sinde were of the big five African animals – lions, giraffes, buffalo, rhino and hippos (although the drawings included only three). We thought that an appropriate theme would entail subjects relating to the children’s lives, such as family, pets, hobbies, etc. The children could exchange letters (no doubt in English – it will be easier to teach English in Lyamungo Sinde as the pupils already have a grounding than to teach written Swahili in Roxwell!) In this way we would set up an exchange between the pupils of both schools.

Meantime, I picked up some drawings and paintings from the children at Roxwell Primary to show the children of Lyamungo Sinde. So now I have my work cut out for me here. I will reunite with the head teacher at Lyamungo Sinde, perhaps even lead an assembly there (in English, as my Swahili is not up to standard!) I intend to teach the children how to write a letter (and may have to do the same in Roxwell as many children will have gone digital, I’m sure) and using paint pallets supplied by Roxwell School, also teach some painting techniques. I will also be spending time setting up a digital communication link between the head teachers and even some pupils, if possible. Lots to think about and to be getting on with.


Forest relief sculpture painting


Dog pointillist painting