Renewed Programmes


We’re happy to report this year’s success at our planting programme ‘Seed4Feed’ at Lyasikika Secondary School, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. It’s a programme where all students and staff at the school cooperate to plant corn and kidney beans for next year’s school lunches. ABCDreams (UK) has been supporting the programme since 2017.
Just before schools went into lockdown this year our students at Lyasikika Secondary School were able to do the planting for next year. Since then the headteacher has mustered help from the village to do the weeding. We are very happy to continue to support this programme as it feeds not only our own ABCDreams (UK) students everyone in the school!

School Uniforms

Added to our success at secondary level ABCDreams (UK) contributed again this year to the primary school uniform programme. This idea was first organised in 2015, implemented in 2016 and is set to be renewed annually. We were able to supply uniforms to the 30% or so of our disadvantaged children in three village primary schools. Great news for the village while improving the wellbeing of it’s young people. Thanks again to all our wonderful donors.

Both programmes are part of our new ongoing projects. We work through the church and the mosque in the village to support almost a constant 30% of all children who need our support year-on-year. The village remains very grateful.

Secondary Planting
Planting 1

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