After a lovely (but cold) winter sojourn in London, I’m on my way back to warmth and a welcome from Tanzania. This is a short post just to thank all our donors over this past year, especially the Rotary Club of Callington who are sponsoring our next school infrastructure project – the kitchen at Mwowe School. The existing kitchen, like those of the other schools before we intervened, is in a dire state, having had little or no maintenance since it was built.
Over these past few years we have been able not only to help the most vulnerable children in the community in their school lunch programmes but also to help with school infrastructures. We rebuilt 2 of the 3 primary school kitchens and as a result of rebuilding one of these kitchens, at ARI school, the hosting organisation where the school is found, the Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TACRI) agreed that they should rebuild the school toilets – a project beyond our scope for support. Meanwhile, Lyamungo Sinde school, in 2014, also had a new toilet, thanks again to our volunteer in 2014, Martha Austin.
So, with a final thank you to all donors, even for the smaller donations (one student is supported for £10/year)I pack my bags again as the operations manager for ABCDreams (UK) and head south.
Thanks so much for your wonderful plan. Actually Mwowe primary school is where I studied how to read and write and now I’m among the University graduate.
Be blessed more and more